Unearthed: Justice League of America #5
Today we’re wrapping up our JLA series (for now!) with a look at issue 5, which actually features supervillains for a change! I know, I’m all tingly just thinking about it! Let’s dive right in, shall we?
Episodes in order

Unearthed: The Justice League of America #1
Welcome, True Believers, to the other side of the Big Two! Today we’re looking at Justice League of America #1, issued in 1960! And brought to you by… Tom, apparently.

Unearthed: Justice League of America #2
Looking at the first issue, I pointed out that these early JLA stories are just nonsensical, in ways that defy standard comic book tropes. This issue is no different. Hooray!

Unearthed: Justice League of America #3
Uh, oh! Hi! I — I didn’t see you there. *puts echidna down* Welcome to a new Comics Breakdown, today featuring JLA #3! These stories continue to be completely inexplicable to me.

Unearthed: Justice League of America #4
Welcome back to the website your mother never warned you about! Today we’re havin’ a gander (not a goose, c’mon, that’d be ridiculous) at the Justice League of America #4!

Unearthed: Justice League of America #5
Today we’re wrapping up our JLA series (for now!) with a look at issue 5, which actually features supervillains for a change! I know, I’m all tingly just thinking about it! Let’s dive right in, shall we?